miércoles, 11 de diciembre de 2013

Dialoge 2

Miriam: Laura, Why don't we visit Buckinham Palace?
Laura: Yes, but we don't know how to go there.
Miriam: It,s true, let's go to a tourist office.

Laura: Hi, how do we get to Buckinham Palace?
Laia: Yes, to go Buckinham Palace, you have to take a train as far a Victoria Station, and you walk as far as Buckinham Gate. There turn left and this is the palace.
Laura & Miriam: Oh, great! Bye!
Laia: Wait, wait! London have differents places to visit, for example, how about visiting London Eye, the Big Ben, the London Bridge, the Harry Poter Station...etc
Miriam: Let's go to hogwarts!
Laura: Emmmm....you mean say 9 3/4 plataform?
Miriam: Excuse me, where's the plataform 9 3/4?
Laia: Emmmm, use the flying car! haha...It's a joke... Well, you have to take a taxi, because it's really far from here, It will be cheap.
Laura & Miriam: Ok! Let's go.
Miriam: Later we can go to "Diapon Alley" Hahaha....

jueves, 10 de octubre de 2013

An embarrassing moment

Hi, I'm Laura. I had an a little embarrassing moment a few years ago. I was finishing the classes. That day was raining so I ran to my house. In the middle of the road there was a puddle of mud. So when I was running I fell in the puddle. When I was walking in the street old the people look at me and I was really wet and with a lot of mud. So when I arrived at home my mum look at me and she said get of your clothes and then you can enter. In that moment my neighbor came out of her house and she looked at me really strange. Then I entered in my house and I went to have a shower while my mum was doing the lunch.

martes, 14 de mayo de 2013

Leonardo da Vinci's Biography

Leonardo da Vinci was born in Toscana on 15 April 1452 BC. He was an Italian Renaissance polymath: painter, sculptor, architect, musician, mathematician, engineer, inventor, anatomist, geologist, cartographer, botanist and writer. He was an a very important painter. He painted a lot of paintings for example: The Mona Lisa, The Last Supper, Vitruvian Man...
He died in Amboise on 2 of May of 1519.

miércoles, 8 de mayo de 2013

Albert Einstein's Biography

Albert Einstein was born  in Germany on 14-04-1879 BC. Albert Eintein was a very important scientist.
He discoveredthe Theory of relativity and he won a Nobel Prize in Physics.
In 1933 Hitler came to power and he moved to live in USA. In USA he helped tha American Scientists. He died on 17-04-1955.